600 million-year-old fossils of tiny humanoids found in Antarctica In the rocky terrain of the Whitmore mountain range in Antarctica there have been f…
Historic 3,000-year-old olive tree still producing olives to this day The oldest olive tree in the world is located in the village of Ano Vouves of Ki…
10 Tons of Copper Coins unearthed in 2,000 years old Ancient Tomb Archaeologists have unearthed more than two million copper coins from an ancient com…
Archaeologists unearth Greek helmet which may rewrite history of ancient tribal people Archaeologists unearth Greek helmet which may rewrite history o…
When did humans start wearing clothes? As early humans evolved from ape-like ancestors, they came down from the trees, began to walk upright and lost …
170 million-year-old ‘flower’ discovered by Chinese paleontologists Chinese researchers have found fossils of an ancient plant dating back to about 17…
The Curse Of The Pharaohs: A Dark Secret Behind The Mummy Of Tutankhamun The ‘curse of the pharaohs’ is alleged to be cast upon anyone who disturbs th…
5,300 Year Old “Otzi The Iceman” Mummy Wore Bear-Fur Hat And Leggings Made From Goat Leather Tzi the ‘Iceman’ wore the world’s first documented sheeps…
Ancient Superhighways: 12,000-Year-Old Massive Underground Tunnels Stretch From Scotland To Turkey Over a million miles of tunnels connect every count…
Is the world’s oldest pyramid hidden in Mount Padang? Though few know it, there’s been an ancient pyramid hiding underneath a mountain in West Java, I…